
This page has posts that have not been categorized from years past. They are mostly blog posts and all useful! Check through! We will be adding thing to the blog category in the coming months!


What to do when your Air Conditioning Unit Stops Working

Have you ever come home to a hot house at the end of the day or been at home when suddenly the AC doesn’t seem to be working? If you are like most people, you might have panicked and began thinking about how much it was going to cost to fix it as you reach to call for service.  The next time your AC is not working or is not keeping your home as cool […]


7 fun facts about Cappuccinos

Coffee is slowing becoming the lifeblood of the American and Cappuccinos are the perfect treat at any local restaurant or coffee shop.  Here are a few things you may not have known about the Cappuccino: November 8th is National Cappuccino Day. During World War II cappuccino machines were improved and many restaurants began serving the beverage. In Italy, cappuccino is traditionally consumed once a day with breakfast. The top layer of the foam is where you usually encounter […]


5 Signs you may Need to Replace your Walk-in Cooler

No business-owner wants to hear that it’s time to replace a walk-in refrigerator or freezer.  These investment appliances are essential to many businesses but aren’t the cheapest item to purchase. Outdated and Broken walk-in coolers end up spending a lot of money over time due to repairs, lost stock, and high utility bills.  Replacing your old walk-in will help lower these costs and you can save in the long run. Here are 5 signs that it may be time to get a new […]

hvac service

3 Reasons to Update your Home’s Heating & Cooling

Replacing such a reliable appliance as your HVAC unit may not be at the top of the mind for most- until it’s too late.  Upgrading your unit can offer advantages for both comfort and your wallet. Quiet & Comfortable Climate Control Modern air conditioning and heating systems typically include better noise and vibration absorbers designed to quiet the system. This can reduce the noise your system makes as it works. Newer systems have been designed […]