7 fun facts about Cappuccinos

Coffee is slowing becoming the lifeblood of the American and Cappuccinos are the perfect treat at any local restaurant or coffee shop.  Here are a few things you may not have known about the Cappuccino:

  • November 8th is National Cappuccino Day.
  • During World War II cappuccino machines were improved and many restaurants began serving the beverage.
  • In Italy, cappuccino is traditionally consumed once a day with breakfast.
  • The top layer of the foam is where you usually encounter the strong flavors giving a special taste to cappuccino. Ginger, cinnamon and cocoa in powder form, are the most popular choices.
  • The steamed foam served with cappuccino serves as an insulator and allows the liquid to retain its heat for a longer period of time.
  • The first use of cappuccino in English is recorded in 1948 in a work about San Francisco.
  • Kopi Luwak is considered to be the rarest and most expensive coffee in the world. It is grown in Indonesia, and is about 50 dollars a cup, or 400 dollars a pound.

Hope these fun facts warmed up your day! Embrace your inner coffee addict and check out our Cappuccino machines for sale here!

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Fugh Refrigeration

Fugh Refrigeration offers commercial refrigeration repair as well as new and used restaurant equipment. True experts in the field, you can trust that Fugh Refrigeration will meet all your HVAC and commercial refrigeration needs.